Dar es Salaam Day trip

1 Day safari


Per Person sharing


DESTINATIONS - Dar es Salaam



Dar es Salaam - "house of Peace" formerly Mzizima, is the largest city in Tanzania. Dar es Salaam lost its official status as capital city to Dodoma in 1974; it remains the center of the permanent central government bureaucracy and continues to serve as the capital for the surrounding. Dar es Salaam is the commercial capital of the country; it wields immense political and economical power. The atmosphere is pleasant in the city with picturesque Harbour, exotic beaches, and historical buildings such as state house, Ocean Road hospital and churches, as well as the most famous sculpture of Askari Monument. It is the city renowned for its lively nightlife
To escape the city and enjoy a change of pace, try the readily accessible beaches to the north and south of Dar, climb into the tropical forest around Pugu Hills or make the short hop to one of the outlying islands, where you can relax and unwind away from the hurly burly of the centre.


Day 1

Uhuru Torch - Mnazi Mmoja (15 MIN)

Our City Tour starts at the at Uhuru Torch, It was built in 1961, Commemorating Tanganyika’s Independence. On one side is seen the Uhuru Torch Monument, erected to symbolize the Freedom Torch placed on the peak of Mt. Kilimanjaro upon Tanzania's attainment of Independence. On the other side of the park is the Republic Fountain which commemorated the foundation of the republic in 1962

Clock Tower (15 MIN)

then drive to Clock tower,  It was built 1961

Askari Monument – (15 MIN)

Then drive to Askari Monument stands on the location of statue to Major Herman Von Wissmann, a German explorer and soldier, who became Governor of German East Africa in 1895. The first statue of Von Wissmann was erected in 1911 to celebrate the German victory in 1888, and then demolished in 1916 when the British occupied Dar es Salaam. The current statue was erected in 1927, Askari Monument, is cast in bronze and depicts an askari (soldier) in a World War I uniform, the bayonet of his rifle pointing towards the nearby harbor. The monument commemorates the African troops who fought and died during the 1914-18 conflict. Rudyard Kipling, the famous British writer and poet wrote the inscription that appears in English and Swahili.

National Museum – (1 HOUR)

Then to the National Museum  where you can see historical items. In Dar es Salaam the Musuem opened in 1940 next to the Botanical Gardens. A new wing was built in front of the old museum in 1963. The museum originally opened in the King George V Memorial Museum, the new wing has his car on display. The Hall of Man contains archeological finds, replicas of rock paintings and a cast of 3.6 million-year-old hominid footprint. The History Gallery, located on the first floor, covers the Kilwa period (9th - 15th C), the (English and German) colonial period, the slave trade, local rebellions, and Independence. The colonial years and anti-colonial struggle are presented through a display of objects, photos and documents. The section on Coastal history features glazed Chinese pottery and copper... More > coins from Kilwa.  Ethnographic displays include traditional crafts, head dresses, ornaments and musical instruments. Hunting and gathering, initiation rites, traditional healing and witchcraft are a few other themes; also on view are leather and bark clothing, and a wooden bicycle in working order.  The garden area of the National Museum, home to several peacocks, has a sculpture dedicated to the twelve Tanzanians who died in the bombing of the American Embassy in Dar es Salaam. The sculpture, created by Elyn Zimmerman, consists of six geometric forms surrounding a granite-rimmed pool.

Botanical Garden – (15 MIN)

you will be able to visit Botanical Garden, The first Director of Agriculture, Professor Stuhlmann, originally laid out the Botanical Gardens in Dar es Salaam in 1893. The newly restored building that houses the Department of Agriculture was built in 1903, by which time the Botanical Gardens were well established.  The oasis of indigenous plants has an enchanting mix of flowers and plants including one of the few places in the world to see the coco-de-mer palm tree that is native to Seychelles. The Botanical Gardens also became the home of Dar es Salaam Horticultural Society, which still has a building on site that has undergone some restoration with most of the exhibits now labeled. It is still functional and is home for variety of tree species both indigenous and foreign and also sanctuary for variety birds and small game.

Ocean Road Hospital/Complex – (15 MIN)

We headed to Ocean Road Hospital. Built in 1897, Very admirable today as it has undergone a total rehabilitation. Note the small domed building between the main hospital and the old doctor’s house where Dr. Koch discovered the malaria and tuberculosis viruses. It is presently the only tumor hospital of the country, closely cooperating with the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg.

State House – (15 MIN)

The State House was the original residence of the German Governor; built in the late 1890s by Germany. At one time, the State House had tall Islamic-style arches on the ground floor and a veranda with railing on the upper level. Cast-iron columns also supported the roof.  In 1914, the British nearly destroyed the building during World War I. In 1922 the State House was rebuilt with similar arches on the ground floor but scalloped arches on the upper level and a tower with a crenellated railing. The style is more in tune with East African architecture. The State House is now the home of the current president and not open to the public.

Fish Market (30 MIN to 1HOUR)

The fish market is full of life. The fish market in Dar es Salaam is the focal point of the coastal commercial fishery. Several years ago as part of an aid package the Japanese government built the structures. It is a big operation with five large open air buildings, one containing kitchens where food is prepared to feed the workers in the market, one where much of the fish is laid out for sale, one building where fish is cleaned, one where there is an ongoing auction of fish to street vendors, and another building where fish is cooked in oil for sale on the street or in other smaller markets. Kivukoni Fish Market is housed in a new structure on Dar es Salaam's seafront. Boats deliver their catch at dawn directly to the market, voice clamour for the best prices, and fish flash flies upon contact with sharp knives. The sent is overwhelming, but for vivacity and action, this is the place to be. The best place to buy fresh red snapper, Lobster, prawn, squid, barracuda and shell fish.

Secretarial Building –(15 MIN)

Azania Front- Built in 1890’s originally was the office of the German Governor. Now it is known as High Court.

Azania Lutheran Church –(15 MIN)

German missionaries built Azania Front Lutheran Church in 1898. The red-tile belfry rises above the surrounding rooftops and the whitewashed building is still a recognizable landmark in Dar es Salaam. The tiled canopies over the windows provide shade and the gardens are a welcome retreat for weary tourists. The front entrance faces the harbor. At one time Azania was the center of the original 19th C German mission; it is now the cathedral for the diocese.

Atman House (White Father House) –(15 MIN)

 This was built by Sultan Sayyid Majid in 1866 for his Wives and Quarters for official and fort.

Dar es Salaam Harbour – (15 MIN)

The harbour contains heavy ocean-going liners as well as traditional dhows, fishing boats and high-speed ferries to Zanzibar. You will find almost constant activity near the harbour, a virtual city within a city. It is an irresistible view of dhows, as traditionally rigged as they have been for centuries, slipping under the bows of huge cruise liners and cargo ships as they skillfully navigate the waters of the port.

Kariakoo Market- (1HOUR)

We drive to Kariakoo Market. This beautiful main market has an interesting local colour and diversity of people as well as exotic fruits, fresh fish, food products, handicrafts, local textile material and many other locally made products. The market’s colour, charm and character makes it a must for every visitor. The market is VERY crowded and for some the smells and noises can be overwhelming. DO NOT bring any valuables and only bring a small amount of money that you wish to spend, as petty thefts are common.

Makumbusho Village Museum- (1 HOUR)

This is situated, along Bagamoyo Rd and has collection of authentically constructed traditional houses found in different parts of Tanzania, representing 18 ethnic tribes. Visitors can walk through the homes and watch examples of traditional painting, weaving and carving by artists and craftsmen. The dwellings include furnished huts, cattle pens, and meeting places. The Makumbusho Village Museum holds Ngoma, traditional dances each Thursday and Sunday as well as other cultural activities. The performances include recruits from all over Tanzania. A guide can explain the origin of the dances, which often end with acrobatics.

Mwenge Craft Market- (1HOUR)

From Makumbusho we headed to Mwenge Craft Market. There is a fantastic craft market in Mwenge, the Mwenge Carvers' Market. Here you can watch many of the artists make the crafts that are sold throughout the country (although some crafts sold in Tanzania are imported from Kenya). Prices range from expensive to extremely cheap.

Dar es Salaam University- (1 HOUR)

Then drive to the oldest University in East Africa. Superbly laid out amidst lawns and gardens on the Ubungo Observation Hill, some 14 kms away from the city. The hill offers magnificent open view of Dar es Salaam city. The main campus area is built on three low hills, well-wooded with cashew nut trees.

Slipway- (30 MIN)

We finish with The Slipway where guests can shop and dine at the restaurants. It is the Dar es Salaam’s premier shopping and leisure centre. Here, you can shop, drink, dine or watch the sun set over the Indian Ocean. Parents can set their children loose in waterfront playground and travelers can relax. One can also find the local paintings which are unique to Tanzanian style called "tinga-tinga"

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(Per Person sharing)


  • Ground transport
  • English speaking driver/guide
  • Mineral water
  • Drinks & Beverages
  • Meals
  • Entrance fees in Museums
  • Personal expenses


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